Gintaras: as genuine and transparent as amber

He can’t speak the way we do, but says more than many of us. He hasn’t got intellectual abilities as we do, but he is extremely subtle and emotionally sensitive, more than many ‘normal’ guys who we encounter on the way. His name is Gintaras, which means amber. Are you familiar with this masterpiece of nature? … Read more

When Ark visits sentenced to life imprisonment

As expected and was predicted, cold pressed in Vilnius and has frozen the beautiful village scenery. After almost two months of clouds, the sun came out again, and the virus that put our whole community to bed has succumbed to our defense. Minus twenty degrees Celsius is not unusual for this part of Europe. In fact, the temperature … Read more

Community, Born in Prayer

One morning we were sitting at the table at breakfast and the mood was particularly lively. Obviously, as it was only a few days before Christmas, which is especially eagerly awaited at Lithuanian Ark. ‘Santa Claus carries gifts to children only,’ Julija said half jokingly half seriously, when the conversation turned to a Christmas tree and all the beautiful … Read more