Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly

Resisting Happiness

We all think about being happy, but do you really want to be happy? Do you find yourself resisting the very things you know will lead you to deeper happiness? Some people call it lethargy, temptation, or just plain making excuses. Matthew Kelly takes a look at our daily struggles toward personal well-being in Resisting … Read more

The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton

The Seven Storey Mountain

Thomas Merton was one of the great Catholic writers of the twentieth century. He’s remembered for his reflections and poetry but one of his most impactful works is his 1948 autobiography The Seven Storey Mountain. Named after the Italian Poet Dante’s description of Purgatory in “The Divine Comedy,” the book follows Merton on his search … Read more

Jesus Calling Review (Book By Sarah Young)

Jesus Calling Review

Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His presence is a 365-day Devotional. In this book, Sarah Young lets the voice of Jesus speak through her.  Young’s many years of Bible study, devotional prayer, and personal reflection come to fruition in this very personal interaction with the Lord. The book is dedicated to Young’s mother who read … Read more

Whispers: Conversations with Edwina Gateley by Jane Hammond-Clarke

Whispers: Conversations with Edwina Gateley Review

The days are long, the sleepless nights even longer. I was searching my bookshelves for a comfort read and pulled out Whispers: Conversations with Edwina Gately, flipping to passages I highlighted years ago: “We must not distinguish between spiritual, mental, and physical health. We must put the three together and then we can start to … Read more

A Grief Observed by C.S Lewis

A Grief Observed by C.S Lewis

I was sitting on my couch alongside my fiancé, scrolling lazily through Instagram. I peered over my phone to see him reading a book I had recommended to him long ago by Graham Greene. I remembered how much I enjoyed it and I immediately felt the urge to find a new book to read. I … Read more