How do you ask for unspoken prayer request?

How do you ask for unspoken prayer request?

What is an unspoken prayer request? How do you ask for unspoken prayer request? Of what use is it in your life? You are on this page now because God has prepared the answer for you here. Unspoken prayers are prayers with little or no explicit details like regular prayers. This is the effect of … Read more

Urgent Intercessory Prayer Request

Urgent Intercessory Prayer Request

Praying an intercessory prayer means raising up your voice to God over the needs of others than over your own needs. In this case, an urgent intercessory prayer request is an act of praying for someone over a pressing matter in their lives. On our platform here at Operando, we have voluntary intercessors who are … Read more

What is a 30 Days Prayer Request?

What is 30 days prayer request

Prayer requests can take different forms, methods, and even duration. A 30 days prayer request is a prayer request meant to be prayed over a 30-day period. Just like any other prayer, this prayer request can be prayed alone, or shared with a friend, a church group, or prayer teams/networks. It is all about committing … Read more