Twenty-first Station: Lessons Learned in Honduras

Twenty-first Station: Lessons Learned in Honduras

Living intensely within a community, as we have at Arc in Honduras, naturally initiates a reflective process as one prepares to depart. Although Silva and I dedicated time daily to contemplate our roles in the house and the everyday challenges we faced, it is only now, as we prepare to leave, that we can clearly … Read more

Our visa is about to expire, and next, we’re heading to Mexico

Our visa is about to expire, and next, we're heading to Mexico

Three months have flown by since we arrived in Honduras. It feels as though we joined the community just yesterday. I vividly recall the warm welcome upon our arrival, the greeting at the door of our room, the freshly painted walls, and the smiles on the faces of the assistants and residents. I remember how … Read more

In a world of tortillas and beans

In a world of tortillas and beans

If there’s one thing Hondurans love to discuss, it’s food. Due to the geographical diversity of Honduras, the cuisine varies significantly by region. On the Caribbean coast, coconut milk, cassava flour, and spicy spices are staples. In the cooler mountainous areas, the diet includes hearty dishes, particularly grilled meats (carne asada) and a typical chicken … Read more