A Prayer for Christmas Eve

So often we are like the shepherds out in the fields, waiting with troubled minds in the dark and the cold. Sometimes it is when faced with the most wondrous events that we are the most afraid. We are wary of change, reluctant to leave our comfort zones, and anxious about the future. Sometimes we … Read more

A Prayer for Pet Loss

Sometimes the loss of a pet can feel almost as devastating as the loss of a person. Let us thank God for all his creatures and the special place they hold in creation. Dear God, You created every living thing, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, and every creature that moves … Read more

A Prayer for Relief

Dear God, from Whom all good things come, You are the author of and provider of our lives. We believe that You love us completely and unconditionally, that nothing we can do can separate us from You. You have said that we “will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” … Read more

A Prayer for Our Leaders

Dear God, Although we are beholden to no one but You, we also are under the authority of our leaders. Please be with each one of our leaders today—the lawmakers in our cities and towns, and those that govern our nation. Let them be men and women who govern with justice and the truth of … Read more

Called to Love: Reaching out to LGBTQ Christians

Called to Love: Reaching out to LGBTQ Christians

The church has often excluded people in the LGBTQ community. People with other sexual orientations have been rejected, marginalized, and excluded in ways that other groups have not been. They’ve been made to feel unwelcome in parishes, subjected to conversion therapy, and prevented from volunteering or receiving sacraments. In some cases, they’ve lost jobs and … Read more