Pope Francis blessed Operando Society

Pope Francis

Paul VI Audience Hall (also known as the Hall of Pontifical Audiences) was full of excited people, clapping loudly as Pope Francis entered through the main door of the hall. From the entrance to the stage, where he greets believers from all over the world every Wednesday, he walks slowly, whispers, and reaches into the … Read more

Living Charitably When You Can’t Give Charitably

You want to live a charitable life, as the Bible consistently calls upon you to do. But, sometimes, money is tight. Does that mean you can’t satisfy these Biblical calls to be charitable? At some point along the line, we English speakers started confusing “charity” with “philanthropy.” Charity isn’t (just) money in the collection plate; … Read more

Night visit to homeless in Campinas, Sao Paulo

Today, there are more than 24 million homeless people living on the streets of Brazil. This is really shameful for a country that has so much untreated and uninhabited soil and so many untapped and poorly divided wealth! Only in the city center of Sao Paulo (peripheral areas excluded), there are more than 10,000 people … Read more

We have helped the missionary in Thailand

They will be celebrating Mother’s Day in Thailand these days. This day is dedicated to all mothers and above all to the all mums’ mum, but that doesn’t mean to Mary, but to Queen Sirikit. In 1976, Thai people  moved  the mother’s day from April 15th to August 12th, when the present queen, the wife … Read more