Since our last post, we got quite a few of your e-mails. Greetings and good wishes apart (for which I sincerely thank you all), one question in particular stands out:
How did you manage to find such cheap place to stay?
This article will therefore be a little different, but useful for all those who love traveling, meeting new people while still staying prudent. Therefore, all Scott among you, paper and pencil in the hands 🙂
Stay may be cheap, but still comfortable and beautiful!

There is a web portal, which is quite popular lately. We previously knew only little about it, but now it comes very handy and we are very excited over it!
Although in the long run we want to live in communities, the current situation is such that we cannot avoid accommodation costs until we are fully organized.
Good for the owners, good for the guests
This portal allows all owners of flats, apartments, houses and cottages to offer their spare capacity to all those who just need a short stay and earn some extra income this way. Anywhere in the world, of course.

Few insights…
From 2008 until today, through this portal more than 60 million people found a place to stay in more than 34,000 cities and more than 190 countries worldwide. Simply said: the stay can be found anywhere, at prices that may be significantly lower than the cheapest hostels and much more comfortable, spacious and attractive than many hotels.
A myriad of offer
Is there a lot of offer? Of course. On the portal you can find more than 2 million different offers from shorter rents of the entire houses to overnight stays in the apartment rooms.

Summing up
Since we were on the way, we have used this portal three times. Once in Terni (Stroncone), the second time in the center of Rome, and now in the town of Marino, 23 km away from the center of Rome. When we were searching for accommodation in Rome, we naturally turned first to Slovenik (a pilgrimage home for Slovenian pilgrims). We were hoping for an affordable stay, however, their offer was € 27 room per night, per person.
Although the price might be favourable for ‘Roman’ situation, we found another offer on this portal for only € 14 per night for two, with location in the very center of Rome. We’ve saved € 126 in three days or in other words for at least 6 nights stay in any other place!
A showcase…

Images that you see in this article were taken from our last flat in Marino, where we have a bedroom with private bathroom and toilet, kitchen, living room and a balcony with fantastic views at our disposal.
For a three nights stay we paid only € 60. Well, at least we cannot be judged for wastefulness. 🙂 Three days here will perhaps be enough to arrange a volunteer stay in L’Arche community (Ark community) at JRS (Jesuit Refugee Service) in Rome. But more on this in the following article.
31€ free credit for your first destination!

After some research on Airbnb portal, I found an interesting option. As current member, we can send you a link to the portal allowing you to receive a € 31 credit, which will perhaps cover your first night in the city where you want to travel.
And because Airbnb rewards the ones who bring their friends to the portal, we’ll also get some fee, which will make our future destinations easier to afford for us.
Who knows, we might encounter one another along the way. 🙂
P.S. If you have any questions about the portal or need advice on accommodation for your trips, you can write me at