Morning Prayer for Today – Send Out Your Word

Heavenly Father,

We thank you today for holding our hands and protecting us till this point in time.

Thank you because you are the resurrection and the life.

By your authority, death holds no power over you.

Your Word in Psalm 107, 19-20, says that you’ll send out your Word and heal us:

Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress.

He sent out his Word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.

By that Word, Lord, we declare the healing in our bodies, in our families, in our minds, in our work, and in everything around us.

Lord, we declare freedom and breakthrough in our lives.

Increase our faith so we may always call on your unfailing love and grace for our complete healing and recovery.

Lord, bless us and keep us safe from enemy snares.

Make your face shine upon us as you hold us with your firm hand.

In Jesus’ name,


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