An ancient Chinese Proverb says:
“If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap, if you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”
When People Helping People…
You may be silently trying to find answers as to how you can help people in need. There are ways to help people you probably already know, but there are certainly ways you might not know or do yet. This is how the process usually starts:
- By opening your eyes to the needs in your immediate community. There are so many people in need of help all around you. The first and most important step is simply to notice them.
- In whichever small way, play your part. Even if you may not be able to fully solve a situation, move in, and help in the best possible way. Patiently assess the need, offer some help, and seek other options that may also be of help.
There is a price…and there is a reward!
- Be willing to joyfully pay the price. Helping other people and helping poor people always costs something. This might be in terms of finances (donations), time, or even energy. Understand the price and pay it either way.
- Do not expect any favors in return. Clear your mind from the “what’s-in-it-for-me” mentality that sadly motivates many people in their dealings these days. Help wholeheartedly with no expectation of favors or repayment. Eventually, you will reap joy and fulfillment through other countless avenues.
There is an unexplainable sense of peace, satisfaction and joy that comes to you when you take a step towards helping others because in all that you’ll be doing God’s work!
Through helping others rather than seeking personal gain, you will definitely experience great joy and freedom in your life.
Free of frustration and anxiety
You will also begin to live a life free of frustration, stress and anxiety. You will feel more complete and relaxed in life.
Helping other people and help poor people, completely lifts a huge burden off your shoulders since you will no longer seek recognition, power and dominion over others but you will serve for the glory of God.
Helping the vulnerable doesn’t only make you feel good. Research has shown that there are numerous physical and mental health benefits related to helping the needy in society such as a reduction in depression, blood pressure and elongating your lifespan.
Putting other people’s needs before yours also helps in establishing and strengthening relationships. It creates a strong connection with the one you’re serving.
Why not join our charity cause
At Operando, we believe that through holding each other’s hands, we can all live in a world free of poverty and injustice, a world laid on a foundation of equality and reconciliation and a world free of prejudices.

We strive to be on the side of an individual or a group in distress, experiencing injustice, lacking material or suffering social insecurity.
With open hearts, we work towards helping the poor to live decent lives with our primary activity being financial assistance to vulnerable individuals and groups.
You can do something right now!
While there are many ways to help people; as a volunteer or via different ‘people helping people’ programs, there is something you can do right now for the people in need, for those who are left behind, overlooked by society, and pushed aside.
Below you can read about our current cause. This is your opportunity to help. Let’s do it together!