GLOBAL MISSIONARY JOURNEY Silva and Nace Volčič EUROPE ASIA SOUTH AMERICA CENTRAL AMERICA Twenty-first Station: Lessons Learned in Honduras Our visa is about to expire, and next, we’re heading to Mexico In a world of tortillas and beans We washed each other’s feet and shared the bread When I accept a different, I accept myself The large fire in Tegucigalpa presents serious challenges to our community Who Are the Mysterious Nun and Child Who Haunt Our House at Night? Hector: ‘I’m thirteen years old, and I have three children’ Life by the Fence: Children Are Learning Differences Let’s Help The Community in Honduras! How Does a Family Live When They Lack Water The Arc Community in Honduras: Full of Heart but Often Lacking 24 Hours to Honduras: Contrasts and Corruption Fish Biting Skin and Monkeys Stealing Bananas A City of Corruption, Poverty, and Struggle At the Don Bosco Mission in Pucallpa Silva and Nace from Peru: Back to the Peruvian jungle From Lima to Missionaries in Pucallpa Silva and Nace Volčič – Back on the Missionary Journey! From Colombia: “Should I die of a virus or die of starvation?” Four life lessons learned from the people of Riosucio A Proclamation from Paramilitaries that Locked People in Houses Social cleansing in Riosucio: Innocent young man shot dead From the Choco War Zone Flying on a Military Airplane They have never seen a white man before Visiting a Native American Community by Boat Gringo in Atalaya 123…5 Next