Twenty-first Station: Lessons Learned in Honduras

Twenty-first Station: Lessons Learned in Honduras

Living intensely within a community, as we have at Arc in Honduras, naturally initiates a reflective process as one prepares to depart. Although Silva and I dedicated time daily to contemplate our roles in the house and the everyday challenges we faced, it is only now, as we prepare to leave, that we can clearly … Read more

Our visa is about to expire, and next, we’re heading to Mexico

Our visa is about to expire, and next, we're heading to Mexico

Three months have flown by since we arrived in Honduras. It feels as though we joined the community just yesterday. I vividly recall the warm welcome upon our arrival, the greeting at the door of our room, the freshly painted walls, and the smiles on the faces of the assistants and residents. I remember how … Read more

In a world of tortillas and beans

In a world of tortillas and beans

If there’s one thing Hondurans love to discuss, it’s food. Due to the geographical diversity of Honduras, the cuisine varies significantly by region. On the Caribbean coast, coconut milk, cassava flour, and spicy spices are staples. In the cooler mountainous areas, the diet includes hearty dishes, particularly grilled meats (carne asada) and a typical chicken … Read more

We washed each other’s feet and shared the bread

We washed each other’s feet and shared the bread

In Honduras, Easter is deeply imbued with symbolism and tradition. Processions, the Way of the Cross, prayers, and fasting all play a significant role in this holiday, and Hondurans, including those who do not regularly practice the Christian faith, participate en masse in these events. Preparations for Easter at our house began a week in … Read more

The large fire in Tegucigalpa presents serious challenges to our community

The large fire in Tegucigalpa presents serious challenges to our community

It was a hot and dry afternoon, as usual. The climate in this part of Honduras is stable. Being somewhat elevated, the hot tropical air doesn’t reach Tegucigalpa. It feels as though it’s spring all year round. Mornings hover around 15 degrees Celsius, sunny days range from 25 to 30 degrees, and nights vary between … Read more

Who Are the Mysterious Nun and Child Who Haunt Our House at Night?

Who Are the Mysterious Nun and Child Who Haunt Our House at Night?

Nowhere can you feel the family atmosphere more than at the table. In communities like this one in Arc, the table in the dining room has always represented the center, the most important place in the community’s life —more important than a workshop, room, or any other living space. A family that eats together stays … Read more

Hector: ‘I’m thirteen years old, and I have three children’

Hector: 'I'm thirteen years old and I have three children'

It’s 6:30 a.m. The assistants who live in the house, including Silva and me, are already dressed and ready for a new workday. First, we head to the bathroom. It’s necessary to fill a blue barrel with water. If hot water is available, it means the boys and girls won’t shiver under the shower. Though … Read more

Let’s Help The Community in Honduras!

Let's Help The Community in Honduras!

While Silva and I were comfortably living and working in the Arc community in Honduras, we got some exciting news from Tarapoto, Peru, where we used to be. You might remember Mili from Tarapoto. Together, we organized a Christmas party for over 800 of the poorest kids in Lower Tarapot and gave them Christmas presents. … Read more

How Does a Family Live When They Lack Water

Ark Community Honduras

Water is a liquid gold. It might not seem like a big deal in Europe or the West, but I believe there might come a time when we all recognize its true value, possibly even more than gold itself. Think about it. Gold can’t help you wash yourself, cook, clean dishes or clothes, or keep … Read more

The Arc Community in Honduras: Full of Heart but Often Lacking

Every community we’ve lived and worked in – and there are over 25 now – has its own story and character. Each has its quirks, personality, and rhythm. Some of you may know the Ark community. It has a presence in Slovenia, and perhaps you learned about it through a presentation. Or you might know … Read more

24 Hours to Honduras: Contrasts and Corruption

24 Hours to Honduras: Contrasts and Corruption

A Journey of Contrasts: From Peru to Honduras Though Peru and Honduras are just 3,000 kilometers apart, the journey took us nearly 24 hours by plane. With no direct flights from Tarapoto, we flew to Lima, Peru’s capital. Our flight to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, left so early the next day that we decided to spend the … Read more