Letter of thanks from Ukraine

We have spent a month in Ukraine. A fortnight in Kiev and another fortnight in Odessa. You may read our posts from Ukraine here. At time, we’ve been collecting funds for a night shelter for homeless in Kiev. As we donated the money collected to Depaul organization in Ukraine, we received this letter of thanks from p. … Read more

14,000 People Received Help!

Well, our work in food distribution center has been successfully completed. Thus another chapter in our path finishes and a new one opens. Tomorrow, we’re leaving for Spain. We could be leaving by plane or train, but we decided to take a more interesting and exciting option – hitchhiking. Hitchhiking – interesting and exciting To my experience, … Read more

More Than 4,800 Meals Distributed in 6 Days Time!

While I was preparing to write this article, my dear wife approached me with a big smile on her face: “You know what day it is today?” I quickly browsed by memory, but nothing clever came up to surface. “Let me give you a hint: Anniversary.” told Silva. I do not know about other men when they … Read more