Letter of thanks from Ukraine

We have spent a month in Ukraine. A fortnight in Kiev and another fortnight in Odessa. You may read our posts from Ukraine here. At time, we’ve been collecting funds for a night shelter for homeless in Kiev. As we donated the money collected to Depaul organization in Ukraine, we received this letter of thanks from p. … Read more

From chains to complete freedom

Gena has struggled with alcohol for many years. Although he tried and was looking for different ways to break free from the grip of addiction, a situation in Lugansk, where he lived, did not offer many alternatives. Despair, misery and war, of course, all leave their trails – often fatal. Against own people Together with … Read more

What does ‘five stars’ mean to homeless?

Re-vo-lu-tion! Re-vo-lu-tion! This is how hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians responded that cold January 2014 at the Independence Square after seeing the news on the big video screen: President Yanukovych has refused to conclude an agreement on the approximation of Ukraine to the European Union.  Bloody revolution If you were following the events at that time, then … Read more

Shocking stories from Ukraine

Together with Natasha and Oksana, volunteers on a mission in Kiev, we have entered into crowded metro. We were surprised by the strong smell of urine. A homeless person was standing beside me, leaning on the metro doors. Oksana spoke to homeless because she wanted to tell him where to get some help. We started a conversation. … Read more