10 Quotes On Belief And How It Can Mold Your Mindset

Quotes on belief

Inspirational Quotes On Belief “Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; unbelief, in denying them.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803 – 1882 So, what do you believe? From spiritual matters, political ideologies, all through to emerging trends, you are responsible to yourself for your belief.  This means that the outcome of the belief—whether positive … Read more

When You Hit Rock Bottom

Hit Rock Bottom

To some Christians around the world, this phenomenon has thrown mud right in their faces. This has resulted in unimaginable pain physically, psychologically, and financially. Take a moment to reflect on how people worldwide are going through painful job losses, others grieving after losing their loved ones to covid19 while others rendered homeless after being … Read more